JUNE 26, 2020
Currently, D2D Hockey is working with different facilities to resume it's programs as quickly as possible. Trust us, we want nothing more than to get our skaters back out doing what they love!
Phase 2 saw the reopening of select arenas in our area. However, Hockey Canada and the Ontario Hockey Federation (OHF) have required all "skills coaches" to become certified in the Licensed Skill Development Program in order to be on the ice and adhere to the Provincial Government's Emergency Order.
D2D Hockey is registered for the program and awaits its start date.
On June 25th, 2020 D2D Hockey received an email from Jeff Stewart regarding the certification program:
"Thank you for your interest in the OHF Hockey Canada Licenced Development Program. I apologise for the delay in some of my responses.
As stakeholders in this process, we wanted to reach out to you and let you know that in consultation with the Ontario Government there may be some changes with the Ontario Return to Hockey Framework in the upcoming days. If these changes come into effect, we will follow up to provide information on how this impacts your involvement in the OHF Hockey Canada Licensed Skill Development Program and with options for you to consider. Currently, we continue our planning under the current Ontario Return to Hockey Framework and will provide you information on virtual clinics shortly.
We will be in touch with a follow up to this information as soon as it becomes available.
Jeff Stewart
Director of Programs & Events
The changes alluded to in this email may help get us back on the ice sooner. For the time being we are still in a "holding pattern" and understand this has been a challenging time for everyone.
We very much look forward to getting this all sorted out and back on the ice!
Please continue to follow our updates here. We always do our best to keep you informed.
JUNE 27, 2020
D2D received this follow-up email from Jeff Stewart (OHF Director of Programs and Events) this afternoon:
As an individual who has inquired about becoming enrolled in the OHF Hockey Canada Licensed Development Program, you are being contacted today in regard to the Ontario Government’s recent decision regarding indoor sport operation in Ontario.
Since the release of its Return to Hockey Framework on June 10, Hockey Eastern Ontario (HEO), Hockey Northwestern Ontario (HNO), the Ontario Women’s Hockey Association (OWHA), the Ontario Hockey Federation (OHF) and its Members have worked in conjunction with Ontario’s Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Cultural Industries to get our players back on the ice safely in Ontario. Requirements that have been put in place to date ensure a safe return to the game, compliance with all Ontario laws, insurance coverage for players and facilities and validation that individuals operating on ice met all OHF and Hockey Canada standards.
Now, Ontario has removed certain restrictions for Stage 2 indoor sports and recreational fitness activities facilities.
A safe and consistent return for participants has and will continue to be our focus on returning hockey back into Ontario. We will continue to offer the OHF Hockey Canada License Skill Development Program and issuing Certificate of Validation, as well as Certificate of Insurance. These documents will ensure participants and facility operators that you have been endorsed by the OHF and Hockey Canada, that you have the training to provide a safe return to the game, that OHF and Hockey Canada safety guidelines will be in place, that you are compliant with all Ontario laws and that you will be provided full insurance coverage through Hockey Canada.
Further details will be provided by the government in the coming days and explain what this means for you to get back on the ice.
Jeff Stewart
Director of Programs & Events